
Centre for Advanced Robotics at Queen Mary Festival

12 June 2023

Members of the Centre for Advanced Robotics at the QMUL Festival of Communities
Members of the Centre for Advanced Robotics at the QMUL Festival of Communities
Demonstration of assistive robotics technology by HAIR team
Demonstration of assistive robotics technology by HAIR team

Multiple robotics teams presented their research to members of general public at the annual Queen Mary University of London Festival of Communities on June 10-11, 2023. Their demonstrations included robotics for human movement assistance and rehabilitation, aerial robotics, intelligent object manipulation, brain-computer interfaces for assistive robots. The teams involved were Human Augmentation and Interactive Robotics (HAIR, Dr Ildar Farkhatdinov), Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems for the People (CRISP, Dr Lorenzo Jamone), Robotic Systems Research Group (RSR, Dr Ketao Zhang) and robotics team from the Centre of Bioengineering (Dr Thilina Dulantha Lalitharatne and Professor Zion Tse).

Contact: Ildar Farkhatdinov

Updated by: Ildar Farkhatdinov