
Robotics student wins Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE ICDL 2023 conference.

22 November 2023

PhD student Zain Murtaza with the conference General Chair, Prof Zhijun Li.
PhD student Zain Murtaza with the conference General Chair, Prof Zhijun Li.
Zain Murtaza with his PhD supervisor, Dr Lorenzo Jamone, celebrating the Best Student Paper award.
Zain Murtaza with his PhD supervisor, Dr Lorenzo Jamone, celebrating the Best Student Paper award.

On November 9-11, 2023, Zain Murtaza (PhD student in Robotics at QMUL) and Lorenzo Jamone (Senior Lecturer in Robotics at QMUL) attended the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (, the flagship international conference of the Cognitive Robotics community.

The work presented by Zain Murtaza was selected as the best student paper of the conference. Zain has developed an instrumented cube covered with an unprecedented amount of 96 force sensors; the sensors permit to measure the forces applied to the cube on different locations; therefore, the cube can be used to study how humans and robots manipulate objects by coordinating the amount of force applied by each finger on each contact point. This novel device can revolutionise research in human movements, human-robot interaction, robotics and healthcare.

Paper citation:

Z. Murtaza, A. A. Bonzini, K. Althoefer and L. Jamone, QMCube - A Tactile Cube to Explore Hand Interaction Forces in Human Manipulation. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL). Macau, China. 2023.

Contact: Lorenzo Jamone

Updated by: David Lockwood